Sunday, September 7, 2008

Team Soren Success!

Despite 2 flat tires on one teammate's bike, Team Soren did amazing in the LA Tri! Everyone came through safe and sound, having finished down at the LA Live/Staples Center by 10:30.

By pure luck, my family (me, Aaron, Soren, Moira, my Dad and Kathy) decked out in our Team Soren shirts ended up finding Eric's wife Sue and his step-daughter Megan near the finish thanks to Megan's Team Soren T-shirt! When the cyclists finished, they found us and we cheered the runners on to the end.

What a blast! Thanks everyone for your contributions! We're having an post-Tri party/silent auction tonight. I'll update you on the final fundraising after that!

And if you want to add to that tally, just click to your right to donate!


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